1.  What is the Michigan Master Gardener Association (MMGA)?

MMGA is the statewide support organization for Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) and Extension Master Gardener Volunteers in Training (EMGVITs) throughout Michigan.  It is a separate entity from MSU Extension. To learn more visit our MMGA-About Us page.

2.  Do I need to renew my MMGA membership each year?

Yes, you renew your membership on an annual basis after you complete the re-certification process. We value your membership and hope you'll renew each year! We vow to try to keep our dues reasonable so that all EMGs can enjoy the benefits of membership. If you have questions about your renewal please email us at info@michiganmastergardener.org.

3.  How can I join and pay my dues to MMGA?

If you belong to a local affiliate chapter, please check with them first. Affiliate chapters submit dues for their members. If you are not a member of a local affiliate chapter you can pay your dues online or mail them in

4.  What if I didn’t recertify this year?

Unfortunately, Extension Master Gardeners who have let their certification lapse cannot be members of MMGA. You must complete the MSUE re-certification process each year to maintain a membership in MMGA.

5.  Who do I contact with questions about my status as an Extension Master Gardener?

Check with your local coordinator. He or she can help you with getting your volunteer and education hours entered, with the re-certification process or just give you an update on your status.

If you have questions about your MMGA membership status, please contact us at info@michiganmastergardener.org.

6.  What are the different payments necessary to maintain status as an Extension Master Gardener and as a member of MMGA?

There are two separate payments to maintain your certification as Extension Master Gardener and membership in MMGA. The re-certification fee for Extension Master Gardeners is paid to MSUE. The fee is paid as part of the re-certification process which begins in early January. If you aren’t a member of a local affiliate chapter and have recertified, you can renew your individual membership with the MMGA. Local affiliate chapters submit dues payment to MMGA for their members.

7. I’m having issues printing my membership card.

Good results have been reported using printouts generated through Google Chrome or similar email printer software and on PCs, iPhones, and iPads.  If you need further assistance, please send an email request with your full name and mailing address to: info@michiganmastergardener.org.