Brian VanPatten
10294 N Linden Rd, Clio, MI
Business:  810-618-2529
Mobile:  810-618-2529

Topics: Tree Care Practices, Invasive terrestrial plants and insects, Tree defect identification, tree risk assessment, Tree identification: summer and winter, Community plantings, Pruning workshops, Woody Ornamental Care, Fun Vines, Foraging. Tree Valuation. Have been speaking for the Genesee County Master Gardeners for years and presenting workshops at the Arboretum where I work. National Speaker and continually creating new presentations, so ask me for what you want!

Gardening Education: B.S. Forestry from Michigan Tech, State of Mi registered forester, Certified Arborist: Municipal Specialist, Advanced Master Gardener, Conservation District Board Member, Certified Tree Risk Assessor, 5 years as Forestry Technician, 15 years and currently Horticulturist for a Nature Preserve and Arboretum

Gardening Experience: Former Master Gardener, Horticulturist involved with tree selection, care and planting in Arboretum, Responsible for all garden installation including interesting vines, native shade gardens, ornamental perennial gardens, rain gardens, grass gardens, interesting woody ornamentals, Garden maintenance including, but not limited to, pruning, design, Integrated Pest Management, Diagnostics, treatments including organic, conventional, and tree injections. Coordinate a community vegetable gardening facility and Hoop House, Worked as Urban Forester for 5 years and am familiar with challenges related to city trees. Have been involved with tree valuation court cases and have performed tree risk assessments. Have taught Woody Ornamentals portion of MG Class for Genesee County.

Specialties: All tree care, workshops on Tree Identification in Winter and Summer, Invasive plants and pests.

What I charge: For MG chapters...$100 per hour presentation, longer workshops and specialized presentations, negotiable, extra mileage reimbursement after 50 miles one way.

Travel: Within 150 miles of home

Other Information: Love my work and excited to give knowledge to others, Funny and gregarious with a depreciating self humor. Try to really engage the audience I am trying to reach and depart helpful tips that the audience can instantly put in to use. Excellent with longer tree I.D. and other workshops.