Cindy Klement
2345 S. Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Business Phone: 734-975-2444 - Kimberly is my assistant.
Best Way to Contact Me: Email, Business Phone
Topics I Speak About:
Herbal Medicine
Medicinal Properties of Plants
Health and Wellness
Gardening Education: Self-taught
Gardening Experience: Avid gardener for over 40 years
Specialties: Medicinal Plants
Amount I Charge: Depends on the length of the presentation
Travel Restrictions: Unlimited
What Else Should We Know About You?: I have been a professional herbalist for almost 35 years. My private practice has been in Ann Arbor's premiere holistic health medical building, The Parkway Center, for 25 years where I have worked with medical doctors' patients utilizing plant medicine. I teach Functional Medicine at Eastern Michigan University and a good part of that graduate-level course is on plant medicine - including herbs and essential oils. Please visit my website at and feel free to contact me with any questions. I have extensive experience with lecturing on medicinal plants.