Become an Extension Master Gardener Smart Gardening Volunteer (MGSG)!
The final Introduction to Smart Gardening: Webinar Series session takes place today via Adobe connect. These webinars are designed to engage participants in learning about smarts plants, smart soils, smart lawns, and orientation.
As a Master Gardener participant you get:
- Five hours of education credit
- A Smart Gardening certification to your resume of expertise
- A promotional kit for your local MG group with a promotional kit so you can teach others in your community to be a smart gardener!
If you prefer live, face-to-face presentations or don't have access to high speed internet then join us at the Clare County Building, 225 W Main St, Harrison, MI.
The fee for master gardeners is $20 per person. Supporting written materials will be available before and after each webinar and the webinar URL will be sent to participants after registration and payment are received.
For more information, click here or contact Marybeth Denton at (989) 539-7805 or