Location: Cornerstone Church 4025 N. Rd. Clyde, MI 48049
Registrar: Sandy Billings (810) 367-3399
Fee: "Early Bird" $80.00, after Feb. 20th - $90.00, includes continental
breakfast and lunch
Educational credits available for certified Master Gardeners
Symposium Speakers -
Sean Hogan, Portland OR Topic - "More than meets the Eye"
Richard Bitner, Pennsylvania Topic - "Designing with Conifers"
Panayoti Kelaidis, Denver CO Topic - Rock Gardens
Susan Betz, Jonesville MI Topic - "Magical Moons & Seasonal Circles"
Registration and further information - http://www.mgoscc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/2015_MGOSCC_Symposium.pdf