Location: 2100 Pontiac Lk. Rd. Bldg. 41 West Waterford, MI 48328, Executive Office Building Conference Center
Contact: Cathy Morris, morrisc@oakgov.com, (248) 858-0887
Does your garden explode in June and fizzle in August? Does your winter landscape leave you longing for a garden escape? Does your fall garden leave your mood fallen…like leaves? This class will introduce you to a palate of plants that will provide interest in your garden throughout the year. Instructors: Barb Near is a long time Master Gardener and retired teacher. She has taken many design classes and recently moved to a new house where she has designed her garden beds for year round interest. Barb volunteers on the county hotline and answers gardening questions for the MSUE Ask an Expert service. Carol Lenchek is the Master Gardener Program Coordinator in Oakland County. She has a B.S. in Plant Science from University of Wisconsin and has managed to work in one aspect or another in the field of horticulture her entire career. Carol is a certifiable plant geek. The program fee of $20 includes a reference book and snacks. Pre-registration is mandatory and space is limited. Advance registration is required by April 2, 2015. Registration fee is $20 per person. Make a check payable to Oakland County or pay online at: https://payments.g2gcloud.com/MSUE/579. Mail to: MSU Extension, Bldg 26 East, 1200 N Telegraph Rd, Pontiac, MI 48341-0416