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Michigan Shoreline Educator Training: A Train-the-Trainer Program

Sponsoring Organization: The Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership (MNSP) and MSU Extension

Location : Mid Michigan Community College, 1375 South Clare Avenue, Harrison, MI 48625

Description of the Event: The Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership (MNSP) and MSU Extension are offering a professional training for individuals interested in becoming a part of the MNSP Shoreline Educator Network (SEN). Interested individuals may be part of a Conservation District, a watershed organization, a township or county official, a lake association member, a soil erosion group, a conservation group, a master gardener volunteer, a nursery professional, or anyone interested in promoting or teaching natural shoreline landscaping on inland lakes to other homeowners! - Participants will learn how to conduct homeowner workshops on the benefits of natural shoreline landscaping, bioengineering and erosion control on inland lakes.

Education Credit Hours: For more information, please contact Marybeth Denton at (989) 539-7805 or
Website Link for Event: