Sponsoring Organization: MSU Tollgate Farm and Education Center
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Start Time: 6:30PM
End Time: 8:30PM
Location : MSU Tollgate Farm and Education Center 28115 Meadowbrook Road Novi, MI 48377
Description of the Event: This evening, we have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the watery world around us and our relationship to it. Dr. John Hartig's most recent book, Bringing Conservation to Cities: Lessons from Building the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge (Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Society, 2014), is the story of how the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge is making nature part of everyday urban life. It focuses on inspiring and developing the next generation of conservationists in cities, since 80% of U.S. and Canadian citizens live in urban areas. John is a limnologist with 30 years of experience in environmental science and natural resource management. He is the Refuge Manager for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, North America's only international wildlife refuge. https://www.fws.gov/refuge/detroit_river/
He is also a board member of Detroit River Front Conservancy. He wrote Burning Rivers: Revival of Four Urban-Industrial Rivers that Caught on Fire, as well as authoring or co-authoring over 100 publications on the Great Lakes. John has received a number of awards for his work, including the 2003 Anderson-Everett Award from the International Association for Great Lakes Research and the 1993 Sustainable Development Award for Civic Leadership from Global Tomorrow Coalition.
Education Credit Hours: 2