Sponsoring Organization: MSU Tollgate Farm and Education Center
Date: Thursday September 22, 2016
Start Time: 6:30PM
End Time: 8:30PM
Location : MSU Tollgate Farm and Education Center 28115 Meadowbrook Road Novi, MI 48377
Description of the Event: Bees have been in the spotlight lately – for good reason. So many food crops depend on bees and other pollinators for production – including our vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Clay Ottoni will introduce us to the fascinating world of honey bees and beekeeping. We will also learn what we can grow in our yard to support and encourage these industrious insects. One lucky attendee will win a bottle of honey! In addition to being an attorney, beekeeper, and farmer, Clay is current president of SEMBA (Southeast Michigan Beekeepers Association) http://www.sembabees.org/ and a long time beekeeper. He has been a long-time volunteer at Tollgate, winning Tollgate's Ginger Meyer Award and Golden Shovel Award. He has also been a Master Gardener, Advanced Master Gardener, and Master Gardener of the Year. He is Tollgate's own beekeeper, and for eight years has been teaching the beekeeping course at Tollgate. He speaks about beekeeping to several community groups and such beekeeping organizations as the Michigan Beekeepers Association, Michigan Honey Festival, Monroe Bee Club, Oakland Bee Club, Pine River Bee Club, and SEMBA. He also volunteers with, and has been a speaker/presenter for, several local wildlife and habitat groups including the Bower's Farm, Michigan Nut Growers Association, National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever, and Quality Deer Management Association.
Education Credit Hours: 2