Sponsoring Organization: The Ionia Conservation District
Date: March 23, 2017
Start Time: 6 pm
End Time: 8 pm
Location : 115 S Steele Street, Ionia, MI 48846
Description of the Event:
Free workshop!
Guest Speaker: Chris D'Hulster, a consulting forester from Steinkraus Forest Management, will talk about : basic woodlot forest management, profits from the woodlot, managing for wildlife habitat, control of invasive species, Forest Stand Improvement, management plans available, species ID, and touch on current lumber prices .
Ionia Conservation District—Annual Meeting
Photo Contest Winners:
Producer of the Year Award
Cooperator of the Year Award
Meet the Conservation District Forester: Nick Sanchez
He can provide a no cost forest property visit by appointment.
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your Extension Agent