Sponsoring Organization: MSU Tollgate Farm
Date: April 15, 2107
Start Time: 9 am
End Time: 1:30 pm
Location : MSU Tollgate Farm and Education Center, 28115 Meadowbrook Road, Novi MI 48377
Description of the Event:
Pruning Trees and Shrubs with Janet Macunovich
Early spring is the time to take charge of your plants, and these two events are a great way to learn with an expert.
Morning class: 9 – 11 am – The basics of pruning (held indoors) - $20
Afternoon workshop: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm – a outdoor hands-on workshop - $20
Please note: The afternoon workshop is only available to those who attend the morning class, and limited to the first 20 to register.
Education Credit Hours: 4