Sponsoring Organization: MSU Extension
Date: April 7, 2017- April 9, 2017
Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Time: 1:45 PM
Location : Ruth Butler Building, UP State Fairgrounds, 2401 12th Ave. N, Escanaba, MI 49829
Description of the Event:
**Attendees at all Smart Gardening presentations can enter to win different garden-themed door prizes. Must be present to win! Many different door prizes will be offered.**
Friday, April 7th
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Marvelous Mimics – Natural insect enemies & our allies – Lisa Fosmo, MSUE Master Gardener trainee (door prizes: mason bee hotel, bulb sampler, Marquette Food Co-op certificate, local food/wine gift basket, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. book)
5:45 - 6:15 p.m. - UP Beekeeping - Why be a beekeeper? Wildflowers - following the bloom, Keeping bees in the North Country, What is the hive house? What you can do to help pollinators? And a bit of bee advocacy - Joel Lantz (door prizes: Blue Stone Perennials gift certificate-$30, Corona snips, gift basket, trowel)
7:30 – 8:00 p.m. - Smart Plants – Hydrangea paniculata 'RENhy' Vanilla Strawberry – Rebecca Krans, MSUE Consumer Horticulture Educator – First 10 attendees will receive a free hydrangea compliments of Bailey Nurseries (door prizes: Bailey Nurseries hydrangeas (5), Corona snips (3), Spear & Jackson digging spade from Johnny's Select Seeds, gift basket)
Saturday, April 8th
9:00 – 9:45 a.m. - Don't guess, soil test! – Monica Jean, MSU Extension Field Crop Educator (door prizes: MSUE soil test kit, 2 pkgs. of cow pots, Corona snips, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, High Country Gardens $25 gift certificate, 2 shovels)
11:00 – 11:45 a.m. - Trash to Treasure – Recycling items for creative containers – Elizabeth Slajus & Rebecca Krans, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Staff (door prizes: 2 pkgs. of cow pots, Corona snips, gift basket, shorthand hoes)
1 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. - Help a Bee, Help me! – A family and child-friendly activity about pollinators - Lisa Fosmo, MSUE Master Gardener trainee (door prizes: $30 Blue Stone Perennial gift certificate, Corona snips, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. book, Bailey Nurseries hydrangea (3))
3:00 – 3:45 p.m. - UP Beekeeping - Joel Lantz (see description above) (door prizes: Marquette Food Co-op certificate, Corona snips, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, $25 gift certificate Oakes daylilies, field hoe)
5:00 – 5:45 p.m. - Starting Small – easy steps to start gardening with children - Elizabeth Slajus, Advanced Extension Master Gardener (door prizes: 2 pkgs. of cow pots, Corona Snips (2), wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, hand hoes)
6:00 – 6:45 p.m. - Wonderfully wild & Naturally native – ways to support and protect our natural insect allies – Lisa Fosmo, MSUE Master Gardener trainee (door prizes: 2 pkgs. of cow pots, $30 Blue Stone Perennial gift certificate, $50 Stark Bros gift certificate, Corona snips, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, $25 gift certificate Oakes daylilies, hydrangea (2))
Sunday, April 9th
9:00 - 9:45 a.m. - Introduction to Backyard Beekeeping. The versatility of honey, beeswax and propolis are virtually endless. Participants will get to see the basics of a hobby hive while getting helpful hints and tips for starting their own hives. - Jim Wilson, Brushy Mountain Bee Farm (door prizes: Corona snips, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket, push-pull hoe)
11:00 – 11:45 a.m. - Season Extensions – hoophouse - Abby Palmer, North Farm, UPREC (door prizes: 2 pkgs. of cow pots, Corona snips, Corona shovel, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket)
1 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. - Square Foot Gardening – Rebecca Krans, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator (door prizes: 2 pkgs. of cow pots, Square Foot Garden from Lakestate Industries, Square foot herb garden from Lakestate Industries, wine, chocolate, sausage gift basket)
**Throughout the show at the bottom of every hour, create a bee hotel with your family. Take home and hang to help native mason bees (non-stinging).**
Download presentation schedule - also includes list of sponsors for businesses who have donated.
Contact: Rebecca Krans, 906-875-0606, kransr@anr.msu.edu
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your Extension Agent