Sponsoring Organization: West Michigan Master Gardener Association
Date: July 15
Start Time: 9 am
End Time: unspecified
Location : Lake Cliff Gardens, Benton Harbor
Description of the Event:
We are pleased to present a bus tour to Lake Cliff Gardens, located on the
shore of Lake Michigan in Benton Harbor Michigan. Lake Cliff Garden
is a 5-acre botanical wonder located on a dramatic cliff overlooking Lake
Michigan, with a focus on tropical plants from all over the world. These
tender, mature plants, which are dug each fall and moved to a greenhouse,
are supported by over 2500 additional plants that Barbara and Ron Weirich start from seed each year, along with outstanding exotic specimens of trees, shrubs, and perennials that are hardy in a Zone 6 garden. With this almost unlimited plant palette, the garden is designed around a series of garden rooms dedicated to various specialties, with sculptures created by Barbara and Ron integrated into the landscape.
Featured three times in Fine Gardening Magazine, Lake Cliff Gardens is an amazing
showcase of garden and landscape art at its best.
West Michigan Master Gardeners will receive first priority in reserving a seat on this trip. If the bus does not fill up by June 15th - guests may be added at the
same price of $25.00, but please, not until JUNE 15TH. Please be watching our web site.
We are happy to present this Bus trip to Lake Cliff Gardens. If you would like to join us on July 15th:
STEP 1; Email Fern Pasholk @ fpasholk@charter.net to reserve a seat on the bus.
STEP 2; Complete the form (available on website), sign the waiver and write your check out to WMMGA in the amount of $25.00
STEP 3; Mail form, waiver and check to Fern to guarantee your spot on the bus
Space is limited so please respond as soon as you receive Fern's email back that she is holding a spot for you.
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your Extension Agent