Introduction to Lakes (online course)
Sponsoring Organization: MSU Extension
Date: Jan 23, 2018 – Mar 9, 2018
Start Time: students' choice
End Time: student's choice
Location : online
Description of the Event:
Michigan is blessed with more than 11,000 inland lakes and each provides unique recreational, scenic and environmental benefits. These inland lakes are complex ecosystems and are often negatively impacted by both the people that live near them as well as the water that drains into them. Frequently, local communities struggle to protect and manage inland lakes in a way that incorporates the best available knowledge and resources. Concerned citizens, decision makers, local leaders, resource professionals and lakefront property owners can learn about inland lake management and protection by enrolling in the MSU Extension Introduction to Lakes online course.
Introduction to Lakes is a six-week online course specially designed for citizens and professionals alike that are interested in learning about inland lakes. From the comfort of home or office, participants have 24/7 access to six online units complete with closed captioned video lectures, interactive activities, additional resources, discussion forums, quizzes and live chat sessions with classmates and Michigan State University Extension experts. Through this convenient format, participants increase their knowledge and understanding of the following topics:
Lake ecology
Lakes and their watersheds
Michigan water law
Aquatic plant management
Citizen involvement in lake stewardship
The course is taught on a week-by-week basis, allowing for online communication between classmates and instructors through topical discussion forums. The course also includes three pre-scheduled live chat sessions with instructors and outside experts. Course instructors include Bindu Bhakta, Terry Gibb, Jane Herbert, Dr. Jo Latimore, Dr. Lois Wolfson, Beth Clawson, Brad Neumann, and a variety of other water resource experts. Sign-up for the electronic MSU Extension newsletter and select "lakes, streams, and watersheds" to stay informed about future offerings.
Introduction to Lakes Online banner
2018 Course Offering Information
Introduction to Lakes will be offered January 23 to March 9, 2018. Ask-an-Expert webinars are scheduled from 12 to 1 p.m. on Feb. 7, 21, and March 7, 2018. The cost of the course is $115 per person. Register by December 22, 2017 to receive an early bird discounted price of $95 per person. Registration ends January 16, 2018.
Register for the course here.
Everyone completing the course will receive a free one-year membership to the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, including four issues of The Michigan Riparian magazine.
Fourteen Michigan Department of Rural Development Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits, 14 Michigan Department of Education State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH), and 6 Master Citizen Planner Education Credits are available for this course.
Course Resources
2018 Course Dates
2018 Course Flyer
Course Syllabus
Course Objectives
Bindu Bhakta
Natural Resources Educator
Michigan State University Extension
Education Credit Hours: 16 (upon completion of the course)