Invasive Plants on the Move (Kalamazoo)
Sponsoring Organization: Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones
Date: April 25
Start Time: 6:30 pm
End Time: 8 pm
Location : First United Methodist Church, 212 S. Park St., Kalamazoo
Description of the Event:
For our last indoor program this spring, on April 25, Nate Fuller, the Conservation and Stewardship Director for the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy, will show us "Invasive Plants on the Move: What's New for Kalamazoo."
While most people are familiar with garlic mustard and many other common invasive plants, new ones are on the way to our region. Some pose a threat to wildlife, such as black swallow-wort, which kills monarch caterpillars. Others, like Japanese stiltgrass and lesser celandine, threaten to overwhelm natural communities. Some, like wild
parsnip, pose health risks to unwary gardeners. Nate will share the latest news of what invasives are coming our way and how to prevent their spread. He'll also catch us up on the latest developments regarding invasives we're already familiar with.
Education Credit Hours: 1