Name of Event: 2020 Grand Rapids Smart Gardening Conference
Sponsoring Organization: MSU Extension
Date: March 7, 2020
Start Time: 8:00
End Time: 4:15pm
Location : DeVos Place 303 Monroe Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Description of the Event: Join Rebecca Finneran, MSU Extension Horticulture Educator and Diane Brady, Conference Coordinator, MSU Extension as they kick off another great garden conference.
Presentations -
Rebecca Finneran - "What is Smart Gardening?"
Dr. Robert Geneve, University of Kentucky, Professor of Horticulture - "Smart Plants-Magical Interactions between Flowers and their Pollinators
Lisa Hilgenberg, Chicago Botanic Garden Horticulture - "Dig, Grow and Eat: Smart Tips for Vegetable Gardening Success"
Dr. Duke Elsner, Ph.D. MSU Extension Emeritus, "Creepy, Crazy, Captivating Caterpillars"
Lisa Hilgenberg - "Edible Landscapes - Infuse Edible Plants Throughout your Landscape"
Dr. Nate Walton, MSU Extension Entomologist, Consumer Horticulture Educator - "Bee-hind the scenes: The Secret Lives of Bees in your Garden
Day includes a garden market and silent auction
Lunch is on your own
Conference cost - $59.00
Free pass into the Grand Rapids Home and Garden Show included in conference fee
Registration deadline: Feb. 27, 2020 or when conference is full
No registration at the door
Cancellation Policy: Sorry, no refunds, but attendance substitutions are acceptable.
Education Credit Hours: 5 educational hours are available
Website Link for Event: