Bill Sanders, landscape architect , Sanders-Czapski Associates, Marquette, Mich.
Bill is a licensed landscape architect and has practiced as a designer for site and building design projects in the Marquette area since 1983.
This symposium is free, but you must register.
Each is approved for one education hour for the MSUE-MG Program. Learn more and sign up here:
. Register
Native Plants and Native Insects,7:30 p.m
Dr. Tara Bal, assistant professor of forest health, Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Tara teaches Insect Ecology, Forest Health, and the annual Maple Syrup Management and Culture course in Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.
This symposium is free, but you must register
Each is approved for one education hour for the MSUE-MG Program. Learn more and sign up here: