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KEWEENAW NATIVE PLANT SYMPOSIUM, PART 2,Sustainable Gardening / KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Humane Gardener/Zoom

Dr. Brian Black, biology and environmental science instructor, Bay College, Escanaba, Mich.

Learning to live sustainably—to meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations or other species to meet theirs—is essential. Yet many traditional gardening practices can waste water and energy, pollute off-site water and air, contribute to climate change, degrade the soil, spread invasive species, harm human health, and destroy wildlife habitat. How can you make your gardening more sustainable? What should you grow? How should you grow it? Brian will discuss how sustainable gardening promises to protect, restore, and enhance the ability of landscapes to provide ecosystem services that benefit humans and other organisms.

Each is approved for one education hour for the MSUE-MG Program. Learn more and sign up here:

  This symposium is free, but you must register.


The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife
Nancy Lawson, author, speaker, and habitat consultant

Nancy is the author of The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife, a columnist for All Animals magazine, a habitat consultant, a nationally known speaker on garden ecology, and the creator of She founded Humane Gardener to pioneer and promote creative planting strategies and other animal-friendly landscaping methods that help gardeners coexist with wildlife large and small.

This symposium is free, but you must register.


Each is approved for one education hour for the MSUE-MG Program. Learn more and sign up here: