Vincent Simone, Horticulturist, Planting Fields Arboretum, Long Island, NY
Whether for aesthetic value, landscape function or cultural requirements, selecting the right plant is a gardener's smartest option. A seasoned expert in the horticulture field, Vincent Simeone will celebrate exciting new and improved cultivars of garden-sized trees including dogwood, Viburnum, lilac, crabapple, cherry and evergreen gems for every site! Highlighting specimens that have improved drought and cold tolerance are pest-resistant and thrifty. Simeone will impart a lifetime of experience and his passion for plants that will work best for you!
Cost is $15.00 per session or $60.00 for entire series.
Register here for your Plant Quest sessions
Certified/Re-certified MSU Extension Master Gardener attendees will earn 1.3 continuing education hour for each session attended or viewed via recording.
Registration deadline: May 22, 2021 or when each session is full.