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Monday Fruit IPM Webinars/Zoom

Contact: For more information contact Dr. Bill Shane at 269-944-1477 ext. 205, 269-208-1652 cell, or email or Mike Reinke at

Monday updates keep fruit growers current on pest and disease developments during the growing season.

Fruit integrated pest management (IPM) meetings are held for fruit growers in southwest Michigan nearly every Monday from early April through the end of June. Michigan State University Extension Educators Mark Longstroth, Bill Shane, and Mike Reinke will share their results from scouting orchards, vineyards and fields of small fruit with area growers to keep them up to date on emerging developments in the area. Faculty and specialists from MSU will provide timely information on selected fruit topics.

These meetings are for tree fruit, grape, bramble and blueberry growers, consultants, and industry representative. They include a review of current conditions in Southwest Michigan fruit plantings and looks at upcoming concerns in fruit production and pest management. We include weather forecasts, crop development and emerging insect and disease issues. Information from these weekly meetings is shared with other fruit growers and consultants by weekly reports at MSU Extension’s Fruit and Nut page. The meetings will be held using Zoom, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Topics vary depending on the week and conditions.

Growers need to register in advance for these meetings by using the green button below. Shortly before the first meeting you will be sent an email with the zoom link to get into the meeting.


For any questions / difficulties contact Mike Reinke ( or Bill Shane ( 269-208-1652. This meeting will be conducted using Zoom software. Please visit the Zoom website to get familiar with this system.

One Michigan pesticide applicator recertification credit for private and commercial fruit (core and 1C) are available for each meeting. Growers are invited to email photos of plant and insect specimens ahead of time for diagnosis during the meeting.


Tags: blueberriesfruit ipmfruit & nutsgrapesinsect and disease managementintegrated pest managementlabormarketingmichigan state university extensionrup&ccarup cca creditsvirtual

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