Sponsoring Organization: Capital Area Master Gardeners
Location : Zoom, members will be sent a link, all others please contact mag.cac@gmail.com for a link to this meeting
Description of the Event: Wetland Conservation in Your Backyard: How to help protect and conserve wetlands using native plants
with Emily Campbell, Land Stewardship Coordinator for Ingham County Parks.
Description:Learn how to protect, restore, and conserve your local wetlands by understanding native plant species, and the benefits they provide us and the environment. When native plants flourish locally, and wetlands are protected, they both provide an array of environmental benefits, such as flood mitigation, filtering water and sediment runoff, as well as offer habitat for local wildlife and insects. Historically we have lost over 60% of our wetlands due to urbanization, habitat fragmentation, and agriculture. Learn how you can be the change in reversing this loss, while creating a healthier, more sustainable community for all creatures great and small.Education Credit Hours: 1 hr
Website Link for Event: https://mgacac.wordpress.com/