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Michigan Beekeepers' Association 2022 Spring Conference (Virtual)

Contact: Ana Heck

Photo by Dan Wyns

Michigan State University (MSU) Extension will co-host the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association’s Spring Conference, which will be held virtually the evenings of February 24th, March 3rd, and March 10th and an in-person in East Lansing on March 12th. People interested in learning more about beekeeping, honey bees, hive products, and pollinator habitat are welcome to attend. The Michigan Beekeepers’ Association has served Michigan beekeepers for 157 years, and it supports over 30 local beekeeping clubs in Michigan.

The virtual program have 3 sessions:

Thursday, February 24th at 7pm Eastern
Do Pollen Patties Really Help? Let’s look at the data on Pollen substitute research by Emily Noordyke
Update on Oxalic Acid by Jennifer Berry

Thursday, March 3rd at 7pm Eastern
Absconding: It's a Mystery! by Linda Tillman
Bee Hive CSI - Dead-out Necropsy by Dewey Caron

Thursday, March 10th at 7pm Eastern
Research Report - European Foulbrood by Peter Fowler
Photographing Your Bees by Jennifer Tsuruda
Honey Bee and Me: Wellness Practices for a Deeper Connection in the Apiary by Adam & Lacey Ingrao

Registration is for all three sessions is free to members of Michigan Beekeepers' Association (become a member) and $30 for non-members. Everyone must register for the virtual conference sessions.

Please visit the Michigan Beekeepers' Association 2022 Conference webpage for more information. Please note that people interested in attending both the virtual sessions and the in-person conference must register for both separately.

MSU Extension has many helpful resources and service that can benefit small-scale, sideliner, and commercial beekeeping operations. Learn more about beekeepingplanting for pollinators, and farm management resources.

Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting the event contact, Ana Heck, two weeks prior to the start of the event. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible.
