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Master Gardeners Association of NW Michigan/Importance of Natural Shorelines/ZOOM

 Master Gardeners Association of NW Michigan

Zoom - Registration required

The importance of natural shorelines will be the topic at the Master Gardener Association of Northwest Michigan’s March 1 meeting at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Nancy Popa, an Advanced Master Gardener, Leelanau Conservancy board member and a board member of the Lake Leelanau Lake Association will discuss how shorelines help filter pollutants, protect against erosion and provide habitat for fish and other forms of wildlife. She’ll also talk about ways to restore a shoreline and the best native plants to use based on science-based solutions on shoreline restoration.

This presentation is free to all MGANM Members and $5.00 for non-members. To register please go to

Education Credit Hours: 1

Website Link for Event: