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COST for the entire 4-part series

$40 early registration until Jan. 8th

$50 from Jan. 9th – Jan. 29th

Join nationally known experts in to explore a vast selection of woodland garden plants, new and exciting vegetables, alternatives to turf and colorful show-stopping plants that will pack a punch in your garden!   

Can't attend all live webinars?  Register and pay for the 4-part series and the recordings will be available for you to view when you choose.  This series is easy to access when it is most CONVENIENT for you!  And the ZOOM platform is user-friendly.

This interactive 4-part virtual series will be presented 
(instructions and a meeting link will be sent to registrants the day prior to each session)

Technology Requirements: Below are recommendation for the optimal interactive online learning experience:
   * Computer, laptop or tablet with the latest version of your browser
   * Reliable, internet connection - broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE)
   * Webcam or HD webcam - built-in or USP plug-in
   * Speakers and a microphone - built-in or USB plug-in 

TIME /Sessions:  All sessions Mondays, 6 – 7:15 p.m. ET

January 9, 2023 – “Woodland Treasures for Shady Gardens”

Presenter:  Tony Reznicek, Curator (retired) University of Michigan Herbarium

Much of Michigan was covered by the great deciduous forests of eastern North America, and gardening in the shade is common in Michigan yards. Many eastern North American deciduous forest understory species are familiar to gardeners and adapt well to our gardens. However, great sweeps of deciduous forests occur in two other places in the world. Deciduous trees dominate large parts of Europe (extending slightly in an attenuated form into adjacent western Asia), and the great center for forest diversity worldwide is temperate eastern Asia, centered on China, Korea and Japan. Both these areas, and especially China and Japan, offer unique elements for woodland gardens, including species that bloom exceptionally early (important after a Michigan Winter!) and species that offer color in the summer and fall, when our forests are typically devoid of flowers.  Join Tony Reznicek, Curator (retired) of the University of Michigan’s Herbarium in a look at the best woodland plants for gardens from Michigan and eastern North America and look at species from elsewhere in the world that bring additional interest and value to the woodland garden. Registration deadline:  January 29, 2023.    Register for the series any time before that date.  If you register and cannot attend or have missed a live webinar, you will receive the recording of all the sessions.  Recordings will be open until June 1, 2023 

Payment by Credit Card only please (Debit cards requiring a PIN are not accepted) via this secure MSU payment site to expedite your reservation. To ensure your transaction is processed, please enter your personal information exactly as shown on the credit card and do not include dashes or spaces when entering your credit card number. You will receive confirmation of transaction approval upon completion of the payment process. Your registration is not reserved until your balance is paid in full. 

Note:   A number of partial scholarships are available.  Please let us know if you are interested in being considered.

Refund Policy - for the Plant Quest series

  • A full refund, less a $10 processing fee, will be issued for any registration cancelled up to 7 days before the first session on Jan. 9th.

  • No refund will be issued for any registration cancelled within 7 days of Jan. 9th. 

  • No refund will be issued for any registration cancelled after Jan. 9th.
