In order to receive the monthly zoom links, EMGs and Trainees need to register one-time via the link below! (Please do not share this registration link or the session recording links with non-registrants and/or non-EMGs).
- Presenter: Dr. David Lowenstein, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator
Trade, travel, and tourism enhance our quality of life and also make it easier and quicker for accidental introductions of plants and insects. Learn the common pathways non-native species can arrive and what factors determine if they will co-exist or compete in existing communities. While there are too many invasive species to cover in one hour, this presentation will highlight two diseases impacting beeches, spotted lanternfly, and Asian jumping worm.
All LIVE sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 6:00-7:00 pm. Attend the topics of your choosing or view via the recording links which will be provided to registrants after each webinar. Report in Volunteer Central (VC) 1.0 hour of MSUE EMG education credit for each session you attend or view via the recording