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Michigan Beekeepers' Association & MSU Extension Spring Conference

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824

Contact: Ana Heck

Michigan State University (MSU) Extension will co-host the Michigan Beekeepers Association’s Spring Conference, which will be held in Lansing on Saturday, March 11th, 2023. 

The Michigan Beekeepers’ Association has served Michigan beekeepers for 158 years, and it supports over 30 local beekeeping clubs in Michigan

Highlights include:

  • Dr. Zachary Huang, Dr. Meghan Milbrath, and Ana Heck will provide updates on MSU research & extension.

  • MSU's Dr. Emily Mayhew and PhD student Hannah Mulheron will lead a session on honey flavor and its role in enhancing sweetness.

  • Dr. David Peck will deliver a keynote address on collective decision-making and swarm intelligence.

  • There will be a track on beginning beekeeping for "newbees", a track on sustainable beekeeping, and presentations on working with beeswax.

  • ... and much more!

In addition to the live conference on Saturday, March 11th, there will be a series of pre-conference webinars:

All dates, times, presenters, and topics are subject to change and cancelation. 

Learn more about the conference and register.