Registration Deadline: May 11, 2023 - 04:00PM
205 S 8th St, West Branch, MI 48661
Contact: Ogemaw County 4-H | 989-345-0692 |
This event is open to youth enrolled in Ogemaw County 4-H who will be marketing at animal at the 2023 Ogemaw County Fair. Per the Ogemaw County 4-H Small & Large Animal Market Rules, all youth exhibiting an animal at the Ogemaw County Fair are REQUIRED to take a YQCA training each year. There will be three different sessions offered for 2023 (all with the same content), with a maximum of 30 participants in each session - spaces will fill quickly, and walk-ins will not be accepted.
YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21 producing and/or showing pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and poultry. The program has been designed by extension specialists and national livestock program managers to ensure it is accurate, current and relevant to the needs of the animal industry and shows and is appropriate for youth.
NEW THIS YEAR: we will no longer utilize MSU Events Management to register for this event.
Instructors will set up classes in the YQCA system only. participants will need visit to register for an instructor-led training (either by logging into their account created in 2022, or by creating a new account if this is your first time taking YQCA training). The fee ($3) will be paid directly to YQCA – no coupon codes needed. After the class, instructors will use their attendance sheets and assign certificates online - participants will log in to the YQCA website to obtain a copy of their certificate. There is a pre-test and a post-test that BOTH must be completed to receive your certification!
Getting Your YQCA Certification Help Document
If you have issues with the system, with your certification or any technical difficulties, please contact - MSU staff are unable to resolve access issues to the YQCA website.
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodations. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Ogemaw 4-H at or 989-345-0692 at least one week prior to the event to make arrangements. Requests received after this date will be fulfilled when possible. (Please allow no less than one week for short programs and no less than one month for overnight programs.)
Event Location
205 S. 8th St. County Annex Building West Branch, MI 48661