Spotlight on Jackson County: Plant Sale
The Jackson County Master Gardener Plant Sale is a long standing tradition and was held for many years at Dahlem Environmental Center. In recent years, the event has moved to the Jackson County Fairgrounds. Five years ago the Extension Master Gardeners joined forces with the Jackson Men's Garden Club and the Jackson Women's Garden Club. Since the groups have combined their efforts, the sale is more commonly known as the Spring Gardening Event.
This sale has all of the components of a great Extension Master Gardener project: partnerships with two local groups, a high participation of EMG's, and several different educational components.
All of the plants sold are grown by the local gardeners, and are donated by members of the three groups. The variety varies widely year by year, and can include herbs, houseplants, trees, and everything in between! The bottom line, though, is that there's always a great selection.
Plants are organized by sun and shade, and there are EMG's readily available on the sale floor for consultations and advice.
The 2017 event was held on May 20, and there were a number of vendors on hand offering a wide variety of goods and services. This year the EMG's also set up and staffed a composting demonstration.
One of the most popular draws at the sale is a tool sharpening service (donation requested).
The MMGA congratulates the Jackson County Master Gardeners. Well done!