Jan Bills
Email Address
Business Phone: 248-891-0548
Mobile Phone: 248-891-0548
Best Way to Contact Me: Email, Business Phone

Topics I Speak About: 

  • Sustainable gardening for the homeowner

  • Favorite ornamental plants

  • Garden design for the home gardener

  • Create winter interest in your gardens

  • Simplicity in the garden

  • Create beauty and harmony

  • Comfort and ease

  • Relaxation and letting go

  • Celebrate life with food from the soil

Gardening Education:  Certified Landscape Designer & Advanced Master Gardener

Gardening Experience: I own and operate Two Women and a Hoe, a boutique landscape company in Royal Oak, Michigan. I have 28 years of experience and have toiled in thousands of gardens; I know what works and what does not! And I have many (hands-on) dirty little secrets to share with my audiences.

Also, I am very excited to say I have my 'garden' book has been published!!

Specialties: Sustainable gardening, designing, and maintenance

Amount I Charge: Varies on a case by case basis
Travel Restrictions: Unlimited

What Else Should We Know About You?: In 2006, I developed my business plan and strategy to exit corporate American. In 2008, I replaced my corporate high heels for Wellies and never looked back. Today, I am living my dream and mixing business with pleasure.

I am a professional gardener, business owner, and fun-loving speaker with hands on experience. I deliver practical gardening tips and solutions to my audiences. I have an engaging personality and passion for my work. And, a lot of energy! 
