Joseph Tychonievich
1005 Settlement Drive
Williamsburg VA 23188

cell phone:  (517) 303-0865
preferred contact:  email
Amount I charge:   $950.00
Travel:  anywhere, as long as travel costs (flight, hotel) are covered

Speaking Topics:
Rock Gardening
Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener
Rare and Unusual Plants
Understanding Genetic Engineering and many more!

Gardening Experience:  BA in Horticulture

Gardening Experience: Worked at nurseries in Michigan and Japan, life long gardener

Other Information: Author of "Rock Gardening: Reimagining a Classic Style" (Timber Press, 2016) and "Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener" (Timber Press, 2013). Editor of the "Rock Garden Quarterly", Fine Gardening's "Plant of the Day Blog" and draws a weekly cartoon for Fine Gardening's Facebook page.