Mary Gerstenberger
30375 Tennessee
Roseville, MI 48066

Home Phone: 586-773-0762
Mobile Phone: 586-596-4240
Best Way to Contact Me: Email

Topics I Speak About: 

Water Quality - An audience participation program on water in all of its aspects. Through visual aids and using volunteer participants, we explore the importance of water and the impact of human activity on it.

Backyard Composting - a PowerPoint presentation covering everything you need to know about backyard composting.

Container Gardening - A PowerPoint presentation on what you need to know to chose the correct type of plants and successfully design and grow a container garden. 

Basic Vegetable Gardening - A PowerPoint presentation on basic vegetable gardening from the ground up. What to consider for site location, vegetable growing requirements, choosing seeds or transplants, and more is covered in this presentation.

Community Gardens - This PowerPoint presentation covers all the basics on how to start or participate in a Community Garden.

Wetlands - A PowerPoint presentation on the types of wetlands in Michigan, the function they serve and how to protect them.

Children's Gardening - This PowerPoint presentation covers ideas for children's gardens, how to work with children and ideas for activities and gardening resources.

Gardening Education: I am a Master Gardener, Master Composter, have a B.S. in Biology, and have attended numerous classes in my position as Consumer Horticulture Coordinator for Macomb MSU Extension.

Gardening Experience: I have worked in various types of gardens from childhood on. I helped in establishing the Center Line Community Garden and serve as the Secretary.

Specialties: Water Quality, Vegetable Gardening, Community Gardening

Amount I Charge: Would appreciate the mileage cost being covered and if an overnight stay is required then the hotel cost as well.
Travel Restrictions: Unlimited

What Else Should We Know About You?: I have worked for MSU Extension in various capacities since 1997. My experiences with MSUE include working in 4-H, Environmental Education, and now Consumer Horticulture.