New and Exciting Plants for 2021

Presented by Heidi Grasman
Brand Specialist Garden Crossings, Zeeland MI

Heidi will share information about new annuals and perennials in the market for 2021 and some great plants that were introduced during the past few years.

About the Speaker
Heidi works every day to spread her passion for plants and gardening, a love she discovered after meeting her husband, Rod. When she’s not helping customers in the store, Heidi inspires people through Garden Crossings’ social pages, runs in-store workshops, attends trade shows and takes photos and videos in the gardens. She’s lucky to have her mom’s help in the greenhouse, too.

What keeps her motivated? Seeing her customers’ excitement when they’ve accomplished their goals and had success after following her recommendations. She’s a teacher at heart and loves to help other people find their green thumbs.

Presentation Date - March 11, 2021