Sandra Wilkins
7469 Hunters Ridge, Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 536-4304
(517) 414-0885
Preferred contact method: either phone or email
Amount I charge: mileage and accommodations
Travel: 2-3 hours from Jackson
Presentation Topics:
Art in the Garden
Discover the artist in you. We will look at art as a verb and explore the way we use art in our gardens and in our everyday world.
Landscaping and Beyond - The Right Stuff and a Little Fluff
How do you take a little corner of the world and make it uniquely yours? How can the landscape best compliment your home and yet, reflex your individual personality? [A two hour power point presentation encompasses lots of basic principles, techniques and illustrations.]
Flip This Garden
When a garden is in its infancy or after seasons of time - it will need a flip. Lots of before and after pictures on how to make dramatic changes to your landscape.
Chores, Challenges and Celebrations
A year in the garden. A month by month study at what needs to be done in the ornamental garden, the difficulties encountered, and the great joy we receive.
The Heartbeat of the Garden
What makes one garden unique and different from another? If gardener’s use the same basic principles of landscape design, why don’t they look the same? The answer lies in the heartbeat. We will look at several different gardens in this PowerPoint lecture and discover what the heartbeat of the garden really is.
How to Keep Your Dream from Becoming a Nightmare
Common mistakes and how to avoid them.
The Icing
A study of art objects and their uses in the landscape garden.
Gardening for the Sense of It!
The more senses employed the more profound the experience! We will look at gardening using all the senses, including some you may not have thought about.
More than just Curb Appeal
A look at what curb appeal really is, how it has developed, ways to make our own better, plus some fun driveways to critique together.
The Universal Language and Some of My Favorite Conversations
Plants around the world, botanical gardens, natural niches around the world.
On the Street where you Live
The history of gardens and our love affair with them.
Gardening Education: numerous classes on all levels
Gardening Experience: The Wilkins are avid shade gardeners. Sandy and her husband, Jim have designed and planted 3.5 acres east of Jackson, MI. They love working in the gardens and especially sharing it with friends. Their garden was featured on the local television series, “Where we Live”, the American Hosta Society National Convention, International Conifer Society Tour, highlighted in the Michigan Gardener magazine, and has hosted many other events and garden tours annually.
Sandy has been past president of Indianapolis Hosta Society, vice president of the American Hosta Society, regional director AHS Great Lakes Region, mother of the Hosta College, an annual event hosting 500 gardeners, founder and past president of Garden Lovers of Jackson, as well as Christian speaker and garden lecturer.
Sharing not only her own garden, but her enthusiasm and love of gardening in general, Sandy has also, through personal consulting and PowerPoint lectures, taken great joy in sharing that love and knowledge with others.
A picture paints a thousand words, they say. If so, these programs are power packed with words! Actually, lot of pictures, ideas, fun and perhaps a different way of looking at the garden all around us.