Vincent Simeone
1395 Planting Fields Road
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Business Phone: 516-922-8601
Mobile Phone: 516-419-1769
Best Way to Contact: Email
Topics I Speak About:
*Garden Sustainability
*Trees and Shrubs
*Winter gardening
* Plant Selection
* General Woody Plant Maintenance and Pruning
* Four Season Gardening
* Integrated Pest Management
* Historic Landscape Preservation
* Garden Travel
* Public Garden Management
* Low Maintenance Gardening
integral part of our everyday lives and family. It can be a challenge
for gardeners to balance a healthy, safe and beautiful garden with the
needs of their pets. This lecture will focus on how to make your garden
safe and enjoyable for both your dogs (and cats) and their human
companions. Helpful ideas will be presented such as using safe, durable
surfaces and materials, reducing landscape wear and tear, avoiding toxic
plants, using containers effectively and even growing fruits, vegetables
and herbs that can be used as edible treats for your pets.
Gardening Education: AAS in Ornamental Horticulture and BS in Ornamental Horticulture
Gardening Experience: 27 year veteran in public garden management and maintenance, teaching horticulture and writing.
Specialties: Trees and shrubs, garden sustainability, landscape preservation, tree maintenance, low maintenance gardening
Amount I charge: $500 and up plus travel
I have taught many MG training courses and participated in symposia throughout the country