Sponsoring Organization: Kalamazoo River Watershed Council
Date: October 26
Start Time: 6 pm
End Time: 8 pm
Location : 1523 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49004
Description of the Event:
Build your own rain barrel to collect rainwater from your roof, and increase sustainability while decreasing your summer water bill. Space is limited to 15 participants - registration is required through EventBrite.
The $20 registration fee includes the rain barrel and all of the materials needed to build your rain barrel during the 2-hour workshop. Barrels are food-grade 55-gallon plastic barrels donated by Bell's Brewery. All necessary tools will be available on-hand thanks to our partnership with Community Homeworks. During the workshop, instructors will show you how to assemble all parts of your rain barrel from the inlet to spigot to overflow. You'll learn about how to install and maintain your rain barrel, how to avoid pests like mosquitoes, and all of the many benefits of using one.
Want to avoid the $2 service charge? Stop by Riverview Launch to register in person on or before Tuesday, October 24 and pay by check or cash ($20 made payable to Kalamazoo River Watershed Council).
[Note: Low-income residents of Kalamazoo County should register directly through Community Homeworks to register for the workshop at NO COST. Contact them at (269) 998-3275, education@communityhomeworks.org]
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your Extension Agent