Neighboring with Nature: A Conversation with Susan Betz
Sponsoring Organization: Ann Arbor Farm and Garden
Date: October 22, 2017
Start Time: 2pm
End Time: 3:30pm
Location : Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Description of the Event:
An author, teacher, lecturer, and conservationist specializing in herbs and native plants, Susan presents a lively, hands-on teaching approach to the joy of growing and using herbs for pleasure and purpose in home landscapes and gardens.
Join us at 2 pm Sunday, October 22 in the Matthaei Botanical Gardens Auditorium for this informative, entertaining hour. Tickets are $20 per person; seating is limited. Pre-registration and payment information available at
[Parking fee is waived for attendees; bring space # to the sign in desk.]
All proceeds from this AAF&G event will benefit the Student Internship Endowment at
Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Susan's new book "Neighboring with Nature: Native Herbs for Purpose and Pleasure" will be available for purchase. with questions
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your extension Agent