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Bare Roots Plant Sale (Grand Rapids)

Bare Roots Plant Sale (Grand Rapids)

Sponsoring Organization: MSU Extension

Date: April 3 through April 11

Start Time: April 3

End Time: April 11

Location : MSU Extension, Kent County, 775 Ball NE, Grand Rapids MI 49503

Description of the Event: 

Get Planting with Bare Root Plants!!!!

Michigan gardeners carefully await their local frost-free dates to plant colorful perennials in their garden. Sometimes this seems like forever! During the class, you can get a jump on spring planting by learning the many attributes of choosing bare-root plants. Fully dormant, bare root perennials will acclimate naturally to your soil type and growing environment and are never jeopardized by excess organic media left on the root ball. We will also explore a rich pallet of perennials to add interest, seasonal color and pollinator resources in your perennial garden. Check out the bare root plant sale too!

Plant pick up time: 9 - 11:30 a.m.

Class times (select one):
9 - 10 a.m. 
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Order your bare root plants online and select the free class that you wish to attend when you come to pick up your plants.

Class Details: One hour of EMG education credit / Seating Limited to 65 people per class.

Payments: must be received within 10 days of your order. Your order is not reserved until payment in full is received.

Payment Options: Credit Card by April 16 at the secure MSU payment site.
Check - postmark deadline April 11


Education Credit Hours: 1

Website Link for Event