Sponsoring Organization: Michigan Pollinator Initiative, MSU Bee Palooza, and Berry Crops Entomology at MSU
Date: June 24
Start Time: 1 pm
End Time: 4 pm
Location : Michigan State University Horticulture Gardens, 1066 Bogue St, East Lansing, Michigan 48824
Description of the Event:
A fun event for the entire family including exhibits on bees, plants and pollinators. The bumble bee exhibit will include a live observation colony. At the honey bee observation hive, Michigan bee keepers will be on hand to talk about what it takes to keep honey bees. Information will be available for planting gardens to support pollinators and how to build a native bee hotel. There will be even more exhibits and fun activities for kids and adults, including face painting.
This event is FREE and fun for all ages!
Education Credit Hours: Please check with your Extension agent